Mixing OPC with ONR


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I would not personally, ONR first and OOC after if you feel the need. The best way to use any chemical is as directed on the label, mixing and matching is better left to Dr. G

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According to another forum, ScottWax says that you can add PowdrClean to NoRinse.


The tricky part here is the dilution. I have had good results with the PowerCleannot exceeding a 10:1 ratio.


It was previously stated that PowerClean does not stop ONR from being rinse free

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Thanks Chris


I guess the reason I was asking about mixing the two products, aside from simple curiosity is I do not have access to a running water supply. Therefore a pressure washer or hose is not possible for me. Additionally, I have a bit of a health issue which means my arms/hands do not work normally and so I am looking for an easy way to clean the car. I wonder if OPC could be used with Opti-Clean as a spray and wipe routine i.e. spray OPC, spray OOC and then wipe

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At the moment moving two buckets would probably mean I would not be able to wash the car. I have just ordered some Opti-Clean and will give this a try, I am sure I remember you saying somewhere that Opti-clean can be used to neutralise OPC. At the very least it will make cleaning the interior a bit easier. Hopefully I will have an operation sometime in the new year and will be back to normal washing again.


Just as an aside, I have not used a dressing in quite a while and so yesterday used the Protectant Plus, this increased the gloss on the plastic far more than I was expecting or wanted so I may just use the Opti-Clean for cleaning and not use a dressing. Here in the UK we do not get anywhere near the same levels of UV as other parts of the world


Nice to see you back here again

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