Two questions, OptiCoat Pro + and Opt windshield


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This is my 3rd car with the Opticoat pro + which was recently applied. I wanted to get feedback on the timing of the curing.  I am located in New England and temps are cold this time of year.  The Opti-coat was applied this past Thursday and allowed to cure for about 15 hours prior to me picking up the car.  Drove home and the car was garaged for the next 10 hours, the following day I drove the car for 125 miles during heavy rainstorms and cold temps.  Any concern that would impact the durability or effectiveness of the Opti-Coat pro + with that short of a cure time. 

Additionally the windshield product seems to be causing a strange side effect.  After several swipes of the windshield wiper blades during the rain cycle the  blades seem to get bogged down just a bit and instead of smoothly moving left to right, they appear to jump just a little bit like the rubber from the blades can't move freely.  I hit the windshield with windshield washer fluid and they move smoothly once again for about 10 swipes then I have to apply more windshield washer fluid.  What could be going on here? Brand new car with new blades.  No issue there.

Thank you. 

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Welcome to all things Optimum!  Your Coating should be good - requirement is keep dry for 12 hours, don't wash with soap for 7 days.  I've heard some have an issue with "wiper chatter" after applying Opti-Glass, but never had that problem myself.  Hopefully after additional curing the chatter will disappear.

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Duffer, I don't have any solutions for wiper chatter, not supposed to happen.  One thought is there might be high spots on the glass, causing wipers to bounce.  They should wear down with time.  Opti-Glass Pro cures VERY quickly and is susceptible to high spots - you should check with your installer.

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duffer5, what car? If it is one with Bosch "Silence technology" (can't remember the term) wiper blades, it sadly means the opposite in the real world (my experience). They have a "bite" that seems to last forever and that means they studder when not wet enough. Could be a totally another issue but...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Duffer5, did you get this sorted.  My first thought was to take it back to whoever applied the coating and let them have a look.  My second thought was from experience with other glass coatings and sometimes applying the coating to very clean wiper blades can help

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