Mixing Opti-seal with various OPT products


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I mixed Opti seal with various OPT cleaning products just to see how they perform together.

I mixed:

- 50% OPT car wax & 50% opti-seal

- 90% ONR at 1:34 mix ratio (180ml water and 5 ml ONR) & 10% opti-seal (20ml)

- 90% OID & 10% opti seal

- 90% Opti-clean & 10% opti seal

After wash I tested them as rinse aids. In short they all work fine but I would add some observations:

- Opti seal tends to seperate after time so be sure to shake the mix before use. Opti seal actually floates on top (especcially ontop of OCW). Once you shake it up its OK.

- Added Opti seal makes the water bead down the panel giving it a waterfall efect.

- Mixing ONR and opti seal is pointless if you are washing the car with ONR. It doesnt save time and IMO it just dillutes opti seal. The drying process feels nicely lubricated though.

- Mixing OID and opti seal is great. You get the benefits of gloss enhancers from OID with extra protection from opti seal. Drying seems easier with added opti seal.

- Mixing Opti clean and opti seal is also great. Now this is a time saver as you are cleaning and protecting in one go so it saves you one step. The downside is the streakiness from both products which just needs to be buffed off better.

- Mixing OCW and opti seal isnt any different from using one or the other product. I diddnt notice any more slickness then normal. The panel wiped off pretty much streak free. 

I havent tested durability or anything. These are just my observations from one use...perhaps using them over a longer period of time would give more observations / answers.

More in the video bellow.

I would love to see someone test OCW the same or similar way and post their findings. OCW is sold out in my country so thats something I cant do at the moment.

Comment below and thanks for watching!

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Above and beyond the call of duty A&J!  Great work, thanks for taking the time to do all the experiments.  I thought I had run out of Opti-Clean but found a small amount.  Will mix some up with OCW and see what happens.

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Opti-Clean & OCW.   Did not have a lot of Opti-clean so made up a small solution and added a dash of OCW.  No separation of products and when sprayed on a surface the OCW did not appear to change the behaviour of the liquid.  I was cleaning glass and it was immediately apparent the surface was hazing over.  However, with a wipe of a dry cloth this all cleared up.  The most noticeable bit was the buffing became much slicker after the first pass or swipe and at the end the surface did feel as if it had been cleaned and protected.


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Good stuff! Since no company has the money to spend on R&D to test all of these combinations it's great that we can all experiment like this and decide what works and what doesn't.

As I've said before, I am very happy with the 10% OCW added to OID and have been using it for many months (and may even increase the % of OCW next time I make a bottle up).



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I have used up the last of my Opti-clean and OCW mix.  There is some potential but it does need some tweaking.  I do not get the hazing when I use ONRWW but I do with the waterless and OCW mix.  I cleaned the stainless steel kitchen sink with the mixture and it does a good job however it would be great if the hazing could be reduced.  Maybe a lower amount of OCW would help.

My gut still says Power Clean diluted with ONR (256:)  would work and therefore still looking for a volunteer to try it

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  • 1 month later...

I've done a few weeks of a combination of Instant Detailer and Gloss Enhancer with a few ounces of Opti-Seal mixed in.  I use this as a final step on my wheels.  Basically, I haven't seen any advantage to adding Opti-Seal to Instant Detailer.    Doesn't hurt anything, but I haven't seen any benefit to simply using Instant Detailer by itself.  I use Opti-Seal mostly as a drying agent and will continue to do so.

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