OPC as a Microfiber Washing Detergent


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I have seen the video by TRC about how to wash microfiber Towels, and Yvan talks about how he uses OPC has a microfiber detergent. Personally, I have used Micro-Restore forever, and I am wondering if OPC as a detergent is as effective. It would make purchasing chemicals a lot easier since I won't have to go to different suppliers. Please share any of your personal experiences because so far I love OPC for its many uses. 

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Yvan talked about using OPC as a pre soak solution before the wash...meaning you pre soak your towels in a bucket of water and OPC for as long as you want. That will help break down dirt&grime before you toss it into the washing machine.

As for a detergent...any liquid detergent without added scent or color will be fine. Typically look for the ones that are for sensitive skin. 

Dont use fabric softener...instead use vinegar.

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