Trouble using Opti Gloss syringe


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Cleaned and polished my Jag for the last 4 days, finally got to the last stage to coat today.

After opening the syringe I couldn't get any drops out, so I pushed harder little by little until 5ml squirted out, all over the pad, car bonnet, my face, reading glasses (lucky I had them on). Same happened again later when I lost another 3 ml.

I contacted the seller and was told I have used the syringe wrong. Instead of pushing on the plunger the syringe needs pumping, something that is not explained anywhere on the packing or syringe. Sure there should be some instruction about this as the Gloss could have easily ended up in my eyes. Maybe I am the only one it has happened to, if so, hopefully it will prevent such a mishap to the next user.

The seller was kind enough to offer me 20% on the next syringe, I have no other option then accept as the car is only half way coated now. Waste of money unfortunately, because I will only need another 3ml or so.

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Sorry you had an issue with the syringe, there have been rare but occassional problems with the plunger sticking.  You can add additional layers to Gloss-Coat and be sure to coat your wheels, glass, headlights, etc - basically all hard exterior surfaces.  Gloss-Coat has also been used on everything from tablet/TV screens to lawn mowers (me)...

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On 4/24/2020 at 9:57 AM, EBE said:

Cleaned and polished my Jag for the last 4 days, finally got to the last stage to coat today.

After opening the syringe I couldn't get any drops out, so I pushed harder little by little until 5ml squirted out, all over the pad, car bonnet, my face, reading glasses (lucky I had them on). Same happened again later when I lost another 3 ml.

I contacted the seller and was told I have used the syringe wrong. Instead of pushing on the plunger the syringe needs pumping, something that is not explained anywhere on the packing or syringe. Sure there should be some instruction about this as the Gloss could have easily ended up in my eyes. Maybe I am the only one it has happened to, if so, hopefully it will prevent such a mishap to the next user.

The seller was kind enough to offer me 20% on the next syringe, I have no other option then accept as the car is only half way coated now. Waste of money unfortunately, because I will only need another 3ml or so.

I am sorry you lost your gc. To me it's like throwing money away. The syringe is the most efficient way to distribute a coating. The alternative is a bottle that requires both hands to distribute as oppose to one with the syringe. There is no need for a warning that it may spray out excessively just as a bottle would never have a don't spill warning. 

I have lost product myself due to pressing too hard. It is a hard lesson learned and having extra product in the long run is a good thing because you can layer gc. 

Watch this video it will help out tremendously.


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