Comparing the encapsulating and zwitterionic effect

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This test was a bit of an eye opener. I would have never expected that. I assumed that there was a basic foundation to a rinseles wash that was universal. Turns out I couldn't have been more mistaken. 


What does this mean to the end user? I don't know. For my it's an affirmation for the rinseless I've been using for the past seven years. (I had the Turtle Wax offering first back in 2014).



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9 hours ago, stephen.details said:

They kept saying how “game changing” it was and couldn’t define why lol.
Honestly TRC sells a lot of hype buzz word products now.

They probably just realized they could get better margins if they had their own formula with P&S. 


things like “doing what other rinsless washes haven’t” “hitting the things other RWs haven’t” 


just a bunch of hype / buzz. To me ONR is still king. Might not be the new kid on the block but it does exactly what Dr.G says it will do. 

TRC does a great job product hyping. They love Beadmaker over there. 


I really like Bob at P&S. I do use his microfiber detergent. TRC sent a free bottle of a P&S soap (I think it was called pearl?), but I took it to work because I don't use soap. Seemed to work ok. Not big on foam, buy I never enjoyed foam (unless it's at the tunnel wash!) for hand washing anyways. 

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I dont get it either...i mean TRC is advertising P&S Absolute as a wonder product saying that there is nothing similar on the market, that its a multi purpose product, that it encapsulates dirt, bla bla bla...

And i found myself thinking like...OPT did ONR like 15-20 years ago that does ALL of that so why the TRC saying that Absolute is a game changer when it clearly isnt...then I found out that TRC was involved in creating the product and now they have to sell it somehow...duh!!!

Anyways i am not bashing on Absolute, I am sure its a great product and that it does all what they claim it does and I will try to get a hold on a gallon of it if it ever comes to this god forsaken part of Europe I am in because I already lost hope that Ill ever see OPT stuff here ever again.

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Sad to hear OPT stuff is so hard to get for you @A&J. Maybe there's an Opti-Coat installer near you who can help?

Yeah I feel like there's more going on here. It would be very unlikely that Absolute, even with 2-3 years of development, will match or even surpass ONR's capabilities. ONR has 15-20 years of development and countless user reviews. Also the Dr. G. has a Ph.D and master's degree in POLYMER and organic chemistry. It's highly likely his POLYMER based rinseless wash will perform superior. I'm VERY happy with the performance anyway.

Even if Absolute will seem to perform better, I would be wary of at what cost. OPT puts high values on enviroment, user and producer safety, at the cost of profit margins. I allign with that vision very much. Without a shadow of doubt, P&S will not value those things as much. They will probably put a huge emphasis on getting production cost as low as possible.

I do know that ONR and OPT stuff has been hard to get a hold off in Europe for quite a while now. Maybe that's a main reason. Maybe a bigger profit margin for TRC.

I'm very happy to see rinseless growing at this pace. In the Netherlands it's not very popular, but P&S certainly is. Maybe this will get people to switch.

Also they sure do know how to hype a product at TRC. From what I've heard from them, Absolute may leave less polymer spots than ONR. Sometimes I struggle with that, so that did peak my interest. We'll see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’ve used Absolute (ARW) for one wash. The product itself is very viscous and needs to be shaken vigorously before pouring. When poured into a bucket of water it wants to clump together and not evenly distribute. It requires significant agitation to evenly mix where you can simply swirl the bucket with ONR to get an even suspension. 

The experience when actually using ARW is virtually identical to ONR. If used in a blinded fashion where color and smell were removed I wouldn’t be able to tell you which product was which. There might be a slight edge in slickness to ARW but that might be due to bias introduced from marketing that I’ve seen. A lot of discussion was had around water spots. My tap water is approximately 150 ppm. I observed no difference in water softening ability when used in direct sunlight and allowed to dry. Both products performed excellently and left no spots that weren’t easily removed after re-wetting the panel. 

I did a similar test that @Redgrandam performed. I diluted 2 oz of each product (ONR and ARW) in 1 gallon of water. I have approximately 2 oz of dirt in each container. First photo is immediately after shaking. Each subsequent photo is taken at approximately 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, then 5 minutes after shaking. ARW appeared to drop dirt with slightly greater velocity and reached steady state just before ONR. I don’t feel like these observations can be used to draw any conclusions from this simple test as there are too many variables that haven’t been controlled for. If I switched the containers then I might have observed the opposite for just one example. 

I think ARW is the first product to reach parity with ONR. After initial impressions, I will continue to favor ONRWW as my preferred rinseless wash for maintenance washes. I plan on rotating between ONRWW and ARW until I use ARW up. 






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As per Billwinkle's test, it looks like Absolute is comparable in performance. 


Will it play well with the rest of my Optimum line? That remains to be seen. 


I may try it one day, but as of today I have no interest. I know that what I have is designed to work with the other products within the line. 


Consistency in what I'm doing detailing depends a lot on the backbone of my process, which is ONR. 

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44 minutes ago, dlc95 said:

As per Billwinkle's test, it looks like Absolute is comparable in performance. 


Will it play well with the rest of my Optimum line? That remains to be seen. 


I may try it one day, but as of today I have no interest. I know that what I have is designed to work with the other products within the line. 


Consistency in what I'm doing detailing depends a lot on the backbone of my process, which is ONR. 

Yea I feel that. To me, OPT is a professional brand targeting the pros.

Much like other brands such as Auto Magic—you don’t hear about them all the time because they’re not the new kid on the block but they exist to supply pros who clean cars everyday. 

Certain reps leaving OPT may have killed the hype but it hasn’t changed the quality of the product.


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@Bullwinkel thanks for the review! I was wondering how Absolute would dry up. I'll probably still give it a try, but suspect it won't win me over. 

Very happy to see rinseless getting more attention with this product. What is the biggest detail webshop (and forum) in The Netherlands is gonna carry this product. And lots of members are excited to give it a try. 

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