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Sorry to be  uninformed.  But I see a whole lot of products, which appear to be highly regarded.  But looking through the forum, I don't see what I'm looking for.

So, I have a new Ford Maverick, which I love.  And looking carfefully at the paint there are minimum to no fisheyes, orange peel, etc, and the paint is what I would consider just a step under show quality. Color is cactus grey.  So I would like some guidance on the products, and specifically the order and necessity of each, to use.  Seems like an obvious subject with easy answers, but I'm not sure thats the case.  I see no reason to correct, although iron removal/ claying is on the agenda.

So a suggestion, for the forum, would be which products to use for a new car, as well as renewing an older one.  And the order of imnportance of each.

Thank you.

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It's only a hard ask if you assume there's no single "right" answer. For example, are you a traditional hose wash person or like the new foam options?  I'm a rinseless fan and never use a hose or foam, but that's me. My process - prespray sections with ONR at quick detailer ratio (1 oz to 16 oz) or Waterless Rinse & Shine, followed by ONR bucket wash (1 oz to 2 gallons). Apply either Ceramic Ultra Seal or Hyper Seal on wet paint, then dry as usual with a quality drying towel. I use my damp drying towel to wipe down interior, then follow with Protectant Plus (for better cleaning I use Interior Cleaner). For wheels I use Power Wheel & Tire Cleaner followed by Opti-Bond Tire Gel, or for long term, Tire Protection and Coating. If you need iron removal, FerreX is not only a ferrous metal remover but an effective clay lube. That should cover normal maintenance. Beyond that, Optimum has a full line of coatings and specialty products.  The hybrid Maverick is on my short list, but a car payment might be a hard no in my household...would love your feedback on your experience with it.

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That's true Ron  every body is different. 

I am up in northern Ontario  camping fishing right now my car is coated in bird bombs , dead bugs the size of birds lol and a coating of fine dirt. My rims are full of sand. There is no way I would attempt to wash this off without a coating of onr then rinse. Then  wash. But i know i am well  protected with gloss coat  if your taking about paint protection in my opinion it starts with ceramic coating. 

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